Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 217
William Haywood
a most excellent preacher of his time, was born (being a Coopers Son of Ballance street) in the City of Bristow, elected Scholar of S. Johns Coll. by the endeavours of John Whitson Alderman of that City (an encourager of his studies) an. 1616 aged 16 years, and was soon after made Fellow of that House. Dr. Laud had a respect for him and his learning, made him one of his Domestick Chaplains, Chaplain in Ord. to K. Ch. 1, and in 1636 he was by his endeavours actually created D. of D. About that time he became Vicar of the Church of S. Giles in Fields near London, and in 1638 he was made Canon of the eleventh stall in the Collegiat Church at Westminster, in the room of Gabr. Grant deceased. But this Person being esteemed by the Puritan ((*))((*)) See in a book intit. Canterburies Doome, &c. published by Will. Prynne. a Licenser of Popish books, a purger of orthodox passages against Popery, Papists, Arminianisme, a great creature of Dr. Laud, and a practicer of Popish ceremonies, he was, in the beginning of the rebellion, thrown out of his Vicaridge upon the Petition and Articles ((†))((†)) The said Articles were answer’d by R. M. exhibited against him in the Long Parliament by his Parishioners, [•] as imprison’d in the Compter, Ely house, and in the Ships, forced to fly, and his Wife and Children turned out of doors. At length being reduced to great want, he was forced to keep a private School in Wiltshire, under, and in the name of, his Son John, afterwards Fellow of Oriel Coll. At length upon the return of K. Ch. 2. he was restored to his Vicaridge, Canonry, and other preferments which he before had lost, enjoying them in quietness to his dying day. He hath extant,
Several Sermons as (1) Two Sermons preached in the Parish Ch. of S. Giles in the Fields by way of preparative upon the articles of the Creed. The first is on 1. Cor. 13.13. and the other on Heb. 11.6. Lond. 1642. qu. Out of which were some of the Articles framed against, charging, him, as guilty of Arminianisme. (2) Sermon tending to Peace: preached before his Maj. at Newport in the Isle of Wight, during the time of the Treaty, on Rom. 12.18. Lond. 1648. qu. (3) Funeral Sermon prepared to be preached at the funeral of Walt. Norbane Esq. at Calne in Wilts, 13. Apr. 1659, on Rom. 6.5. Lond. 1660. qu. He hath also printed a Serm. on Rom. 5.5.—Lond. 1660. qu. and another on Acts 23.5.—Lond. 1663. qu. But these two I have not yet seen. Others also go from hand to hand in Ms, and, as I remember, I have seen one or two in Dr. Barlowes Library. He the said Dr. Haywood was buried in the Collegiat Church of S. Peter at Westminster, near to the bottom of the stairs leading up to the Pulpit, on the 17 day of July in sixteen hundred sixty and three,1663. leaving then behind him the character of an excellent Tutor while he was Fellow of S. Johns Coll, a general Scholar, and a meek man in temper and conversation. Near to his grave was his beloved Son John Haywood Master of Arts before mention’d, (who died 22. of Feb. following) buried.