Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 41
John Helyar
a Hampshire Man born, was admitted Probationer Fellow of Corpus Ch. Coll. 1. June 1522. and Bach. of Arts in Jul. 1524. But instead of having that degree compleated by Determination in the Lent following in the publick Schools, he had the Degree of M. of A. conferr’d upon him, being then taken into the patronage of the magnificent and generous Cardinal Tho. Wolsey, who held him in high value for his extraordinary sufficiencies in the Lat. Greek and Hebrew Tongues. In all which, especially in Poetry, and Humanity, he was so well vers’d, that he exceeded most, if not all Persons of his time. Whether the said Cardinal did afterwards promote him to a Canonry or Readers place in his new Coll. at Oxon, I know not. Sure I am that after his fall, our Author supplicated to be admitted to the reading of the sentences, and about the same time wrot,
Comment. in Ciceronem pro M. Marcello.
Scholia in Sophoclem.
Com. in Epistolas Ovidii.
Epitaphium D. Erasmi Roterodami. Written in Gr. and Lat. with other things, besides his translation from Greek into Lat. St. Chrysostom’s Tract. De providentia & fato, &c. This our Author Helyar, Clar. 1537. who had acquaintance with the said Erasmus, was held in admiration by all the Vertuosi, in the 29. Hen. 8.