Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 73

William Hemmings

Son of John Hemmings a Comedian or Actor of playes with Will. Shakespear, was born in London, elected from Westminster School a Student of Ch. Ch. an. 1621. aged 16 years or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1628, and, at hours of recess from happier employments, than the delight of poetry, composed,

The fatal contract, comedie. Lond. 1653. qu. printed from the original copy, by the care of A. T. and A. P. There again in 1661. qu. It was revived, ((*))((*)) See An account of the English Dramatick Poets, &c. Oxon. 1691. oct. p. 247. written by Gerard Langbaine. not many years since, under the title of Love and revenge, with some alterations; and in 1687 it was reprinted as a new play under the title of The Eunuch, a Trag. This being founded on a French Chronicle, was said in the first edition of it, 1653. to be a French Comedie.

The Jewes Tragedy: or, their fatal and final overthrow by Vespasian, and Titus his Son. Lond. 1662. qu. written agreeable to the authentick History of Josephus. Our Author Hemmings left behind him greater monuments of his worth and ability, but whether they are yet published, I cannot tell. However the Fatal contract having justly gained an esteem with men of excellent judgments, Clar. 1650. by several copies of it that flew abroad in Ms, was therefore published for the satisfaction of all Persons, especially such who had lighted upon imperfect copies.