Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 63
John Heron
a Kentish Man born, near of kin to Sir Jo. Heron Kt. Master of the Jewel-house to K. Hen. 8. and of the same Family with those of Barmyng in Kent, was elected Fellow of Allsouls Coll. in 1538, took the Degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1544; at which time he was in great esteem for his singular skill in the Latin Tongue, for in that Language Baleus tells (o)(o) Int. Script. Maj. Britan. ut supr. Cent. 9. nu. 59. us, that he wrot several things, which he had not seen, and had translated others from the English into the Latin Tongue; one of which was Explicatio petititoria adversus expilatores plebis; written originally by Rob. Crowley, as I shall tell you when I come to him. I find one Joh. Heron of Chiselhurst in Kent to have been tampering much with Necromancy, to the great affrightment of his Neighbors. Whereupon being complained of to the higher Powers, he was bound in a (p)(p) Papers of State, at Whiteha [•] l. Bond of an 100 Marks an. 1540, not to practice again Necromancy, Astronomy, Calculations, and other experiments, &c. Whether this Jo. Heron be the same with the former, I know not. Sure I am that this Heron the Conjuror was not unknown to Job. Waller and Will. Cobbie two young Fellows of Kings Coll. in Cambridge, who studied and were conversant in the Black art, in the Reign of Ed. 6.