Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 281
Richard Heyrick
a younger Son of Sir Will. Heyrick of Beaumannour in Leycestershire Kt, (who fined for Alderman of London and died about 1653) was born in London, educated in Merchant Taylors School, became Commoner of S. Johns Coll. in the beginning of the year 1617 aged 17, took the degrees in Arts, was elected Fellow of Alls. Coll. in 1624 and about that time entred into holy Orders. Afterwards he was beneficed in Norfolk, made Warden of Christs Coll. in Manchester in Lancashire, sided with the Presbyterians in the beginning of the rebellion, took the Covenant, was made one of the Ass. of Divines, carried on the cause with great zeal, was in the plot, for which Christop. Love suffered, and afterwards became an Assistant to the Commissioners of Lancashire for the ejection of such, whom they then (1654) called scandalous and ignorant Ministers and Schoolmasters. Upon the approach of his Majesties restauration, he seemed to be zealous for it, and turning about, as many of his party did, kept his Wardenship to his dying day. He hath extant,
Several Sermons, as (1) Three sermons preached in the collegiat Church of Manchester, the first on Psal. 122.6. the second 2. Thes. 2.15 and the third on Gen. Lond. 1641. in oct. (2) Qu. Esthers resolve, or a Christian pattern for heaven born resolution; Fast Sermon before the House of Com. on Esther 4.16. Lond. 1646. qu. Besides others which I have not yet seen, among which is A Sermon on 2. of Kings 11. ver. 12. Lond. 1661. qu. He departed this mortal life on the sixth day of Aug. in sixteen hundred sixty and seven,1667. aged 67 and was buried in the Collegiat Church of Manchester. Soon after was a comely monument put over his grave at the charge of Anna-Maria his Relict, with a large inscription thereon made by his antient and entire friend Mr. Tho. Case a London Minister, who had been intimately acquainted with him while he was a student in the University of Oxon; part of it runs thus. Siste viator morae pretium est; sub eodem cippo cum venerabili Huntingdono primo hujus collegii Custode, jacet decimus quartus ab eo successor Ricardus Heyrick, Gulielmi Heyrick equitis Aurati filius, Collegii Om. Animarum apud Oxonienses socius olim studiosissimus, ecclesiae de North-Reps in agro Norfolciensi deinde pastor fidissimus, hujusce denique collegii per triginta duos annos (multa alia ultro sibi oblata Beneficia aversatus hâc solâ dignitate contentus) Custos sive Guardianus vigilantissimus. Qui judicium solidum cum ingenio acutissimo, singularem zelum cum prudentia eximia, gravitatem summam cum egregia morum suavitate, generis nobilitatem, nominis celebritatem & quaecunque minores animas inflare solent, cum humilitate unicâ felicissime temperavit. Infelices sui seculi errores non effugit modo, sed & strenuè fugavit, &c.