Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 140
Elize Heywood
sometimes written Ellis Heewood, Son of Job. Heywood the famous Epigrammatist, was born in London, and by the indulgence of his Father was carefully educated in juvenile learning in that City, and in Academical in Oxon. In 1547 he was elected Probationer-Fellow of Allsouls Coll. where spending some time in Logicals and Philosophicals, he applyed his genie to the study of the Laws, in which faculty he took one degree, an. 1552, being the sixth year of K. Ed. 6. Afterwards he travelled into France and Italy, continued for some time at Florence, being patroniz’d by Card Pole; and became such an exact Master of the Italian tongue, that he wrot a book in that Language entituled,
Il Moro, lib. 2. Fiorenz. 1556 in octavo. This book which is dedicated to the said Cardinal contains a discourse, fancied to be in the house of Sir Tho. More sometimes L. Chanc. of England, and in consolation with him. Besides this book, he wrot, as ’tis said, other things in Italian, or in Lat. or in his mother tongue, which being printed beyond the Sea, we seldom or never see them in these parts. About that time our Author receiving instructions concerning matters of faith from an English Man called Hall, he went into the Low Countries, and at Antwerp performed the office of Preacher, and Prefectship of the spirit. Thence he went to Lovaine, where he died in the twelfth year, after his ingress into the society of Jesus; 1572 which was about Fifteen hundred seventy and two. He had a younger brother named Jasper, bred also in Oxford, and leaving the Nation for Religion sake, entred himself into the said Society, as I shall tell you under the Year 1597. num. 295.