Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 431

Gasper Hicks

a Ministers son, was born in Berks. entred a Batler or Com. of Trin. Coll. in Mich. term 1621, aged 16 years, took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders, and at length became Vicar of Lanerake in Cornwall, where he continued a constant Preacher under the name of a Puritan several years. At length, upon the change of the times, he openly expressed his zeal for the Cause in his Sermons, more than before he had done: but finding that place uneasie to him, when the Royalists were dominant in that County, he retired to the great City, became one of the Ass. of Divines, a frequent Preacher in London, and sometimes a Holder-forth before the Members of the Long Parliament. Afterwards upon the declining of the Kings Cause, he returned again to his Vicaridge, and had something added to it in consideration of his sufferings. In 1654 he was appointed an Assistant to the Commissioners of Cornwall for the ejecting such whom they then called scandalous, ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters, and ever after, [] ll the Act of Conformity came forth, he was esteemed there the chief of the Presbyterian Ministers. He hath [••] blished,

Several Sermons, as (1) The glory and beauty of Gods portion, Fast-sermon before the H. of Commons 26 June 1644, on Isay 28.5.6. Lond. 1644. qu. The Author complaining either in this, or another sermon, that he had been plundred and wanted books, the H. of Commons gave him 30 l. to buy more. (2) Serm. at the funeral of Will. Strode Esq. a member of the H. of Com. 22 Sept. 1645. on Acts 13.36. Lond. 1645. qu. (3) The advantage of afflictions, Fast-serm. before the H. of Lords 28 Jan. 1645, on Hosea 5.15. Lond. 1646. qu. and other things, as ’tis probable, which I have not yet seen. After the Act of Conformity was published, he was turn’d out of Lanerake, lived there, and near it, several years, not without keeping up private meetings, for which he was sometimes brought into trouble: At length giving way to fate in sixteen hundred seventy and seven, was, according to his desire,1677. buried in the porch of the Parish Church of Lanerake before mentioned. At his interrment on the 10 of Apr. the same year, were present very many of the godly Party living near to, and remote from that place.