Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 53
John Hoker
was first Demie or Semicommoner, afterwards Fellow of St. Mary Magd. College, and in 1535. Master of Arts, being then accounted excellently well read in Greek and Latin Authors, a good Rhetorician and Poet, and much commended for his facete fancy. Leland is pleased to mention him in one of his works, and to stile (m)(m) In Cygn. Cautione. him, not without desert, Nitor artium bonarum. He hath written, Piscator, or, the Fisher caught, a Comedy.
An Introduction to Rhetorick.
Poema de vero crucifixo.
Epigrammata varia. and other things, which I have not yet seen.Clar. 1543. He was living in Magd. Coll. in Fifteen hundred forty and three, (being then Bach. of Divinity of three Years standing) as it appears in the Bursars accompts of that House. I presume he died shortly after, and not in 1541, as Bale and Pits do tell you.