Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 97
Francis Holyoke
who writes himself de sacrâ Quercu, was born at Nether Whitacre in Warwickshire, applied his mind to Academical Learning in this University, in the year 1582, or thereabouts, particularly in Queens Coll. as his son Thomas hath informed me; but whether he took a degree, it appears not. Sure I am, that after he had taught School partly here, but mostly in his own Country, was made Rector of Southam there, in Feb. 1604. And being esteemed a grave and learned person, was elected a Member of the Convocation of the Clergy 1 Car. 1. He hath written and published,
Sermon of Obedience, especially unto Authority Ecclesiastical, &c. on Heb. 13.17. preached at a Visitation of Dr. Will. Hinton Archd. of Coventry. Oxon. 1610. quart.
Dictionarium Etymologicum, part 2. Riders Dictionary corrected and augmented. Wherein Riders Index is translated into a Dictionary Etymological, deriving every word from his native fountain, &c. Lond. 1606. &c. in a thick quarto. See more in John Rider, under the year 1632. p. 495. This Dictionary was afterwards published several times with the addition of many hundred words out of the Law, and out of the Latine, French, and other Languages, &c. This our Author concluded his last day on the 13 of Nov. in sixteen hundred fifty and three,1653. and in that of his age 87, and was buried in S. Maries Church in Warwick, having suffer’d much for the Kings Cause during the time of the grand Rebellion, which began in 1642. He left behind him a son named Thomas, whom I shall mention in his proper place.