Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 686
Ezekiel Hopkins
sometimes a member of Magd. Coll, afterwards a Preacher near London, and in Exeter, and Dean of Raphoe in Ireland, was first made B. of Raphoe and afterwards of London Derry in that Country, who dying in June in sixteen hundred and ninety (under which year you may see more of him among the Writers p. 647.) Dr. George Walker was designed to succeed him,1690. but he dying of his wound or wounds received in passing over the River Boyne in Ireland, when K. Will. 3. went with his Army to encounter that of K. Jam. 2, in the beginning of July following, the said Bishoprick of London Derry was confer’d by his Majesty K. Will. 3. in the beginning of Decemb. following, on Dr. Will. King Dean of S. Patricks Church near Dublin; at which time his said Majesty did dispose of other vacant Bishopricks in Ireland, viz. the Archbishoprick of Cashiell on Dr. Narciss. Marsh B. of Ferns, &c. the Bishoprick of Clogher, on Dr. Richard Tenison B. of Killala, the Bishoprick of Elphine on Dr. Sim. Digby B. of Limerick, the Bishoprick of Ferns on Dr. .... Vigures Dean of Armagh, the Bishoprick of Limerick on Dr. Nath. Wilson Dean of Raphoe, the Bishoprick of Clonfert on Dr. Will. Fitzgerald Dean of Cloyne, and the Bishoprick of Killala on Dr. ...... Lloyd Dean of Achonrey.