Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 477
John Hoskyns
, Junior, was born at Mounton in the parish of Lanwarne in Herefordshire, educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near Winchester, admitted Perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1601. took the degrees in the Civil Law, that of Doctor being compleated 1613. in which year he left the coll. being about that time Chaplain to Dr. Rob. Bennet, B. of Hereford (as he was afterwards to K. James) Prebendary of Hereford, and Parson of Ledbury in his native Country. He was an able Civilian, but better Theologist, and much followed for his frequent and edifying way of Preaching. He hath published,
Eight Sermons preached at S. Maries in Oxon. Pauls Cross and elsewhere. Lond. 1615. qu. The first is on Luke 12. 41. The second on Isa. 28. 1. The 3. and 4th. on Matth. 11. 19. &c. He hath also extant a Sermon upon the parable of the King that taketh an account of his Servants, on Matth. 18. 23. Lond. 1609. oct.
A short Catechisme upon the Lords Prayer, the ten Commandements, and the Creed, very profitable for Children and others. Lond. 1678.—9. oct. published by Charles Townsend M. of A. He ended and finished his course at Ledbury before mentioned, 8. August, in sixteen hundred thirty and one, 1631 and was buried in the parish Church there. Soon after was an Epitaph put over his Grave, consisting of eight verses, the two first of which are these.
Sub Pedibus Doctor jacet hic in Legibus Hoskyns, Esse pios docuit, quodque docebat erat.
The rest you may see in Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 145. 6.