Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 567

William How

a Buckinghamshire man born as it seems, or at least descended from those of his name, living at, or near the Wycombs, was educated in all kind of Learning in this University, and by the title of Master of Arts thereof and the Kings chaplain, did supplicate the Ven. congregation of Regents in 1512. that he might be admitted to the reading of the Sentences, but whether he was really admitted, it appears not. Afterwards he travelled, was admitted Doct. of Div. in an University beyond the Seas, and at his return retir’d to the University in the beginning of the year 1526. where by the name of Will. How Episcopus Aurensis, supplicated the said congregation that whereas he had been created Doct. of Divinity beyond the Seas, and had been a student in this University many years, he might be incorporated in the same faculty; which being granted simpliciter, he was forthwith incorporated. This Bishoprick in the same I presume, with Auriensis or Orensis, commonly called Orense, under the Archbishoprick of Compostella in Spain; to which courtry, as ’tis probable, this W. How was sent about business by Catherine of Spain Queen of England, Clar. 1526. the Royal consort to K. Hen. 8. I find one Will. How M. of A. presented by the King to the Church of Shipton-Mallet in Somersetshire, on the death of Mr. Reynold West, in the beginning of Aug. 1516. and about that time became Rector of Alre (or Aller) in the same county; but this Will. How dying in 1521. or 22. must not be understood to be the same with the former. To this last, was Joh. How prior of Plympton in Devonshire related, who living to see his Monastery dissolved, went afterwards to Oxon, and settled in Exeter coll. in January 1545. in the condition of a Sojourner.