Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 628
John Howson
, sometimes Student and Canon of Ch. Ch. was consecrated B. of Oxford in the month of May 1618. was translated thence to Durham in 1628. and departed this moral life towards the latter end of sixteen hundred thirty and one; 1631-2 under which year you may see more of him among the writers. In the said See of Durham succeeded Dr. Thom. Morton B. of Lichfield and Coventry; the temporalities of which, he (*)(*) Pat. 8. [•] ar. 1. p. 14 received from the King 12. Jul. 1632. and dying in the house of Sir. Hen. Yelverton of Easton-Manduit in Northamptonshire, on the morrow after S. Matthews day, in 1659. aged 95 years, was succeeded in the year following by Dr. Joh. [〈◊〉] of Cambridge.