Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 281

William Hubbocke

was born in the County Palatine of Durham, elected from Magd. hall to be Scholar of Corp. Ch. coll. in the Month of Octob. 1581. aged 21 years, took the degrees in Arts, and was afterwards beneficed, and in great repute for his learning. He hath written and published,

An Oration gratulatory to K. James 12. of Febr. when his Majesty entred the Tower of London in order to his Coronation, &c. Oxon. 1604. qu. The Title is in English, but the Oration is in good Latin.

Several Sermons.—One of which is on 1 Pet. Clar. 1604. 3. 21, 22. What other things he hath published, I know not, nor the time, or place, when, and where, he died.