Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 61

William Hugh

a Yorkshire Man ()() Ibid. cent. 9. num. 72. born, was educated in Logick and PhilosophY in C. Chr. Coll. but whether in the condition of a Chorister, Clerk, or Chaplain, I know not. In the Year 1543, he took the Degree of M. of Arts, being about that time compell’d to bestow in a manner all his time in teaching Young Scholars. Afterwards he was favour’d in his studies by the Lady Denny living at Court, to whom, I suppose, he was Chaplain. He hath written,

The troubled Mans Medicine, wherein we may learn patiently to suffer all kind of adversity. In two parts. Lond. 1567. oct. the 2. or 3. edit. He also translated into English, a Book intit. by him thus. A Boke of Bertram the Priest intreating of the body and blood of Christ, written to Charles the Great 700 Years ago. Lond. 1548. oct. This Book was reviewed and corrected by Tho. Wilcocks a Minister in Lond. printed at Lond. 1582. oct. published again with some alterations, refinements, and corrections from the errors of the former translation, with an addition of Two short discourses against purgatory and invocation of Saints. By S. D.—Lond. 1686. oct. To which is prefix’d the large Preface of Sir Humph. Lynd. and a dedicatory epistle of S. D. to Sir S. B. But these translations being esteemed by many not to be well done, Will. Hopkins Bac. of Div. and Prebendary of Worcester (sometimes of Trin. Coll. in Oxon) made and published another the same Year. See more in Humph. Lynd under the Year 1636. Our Author Hugh hath written, and translated, as ’tis said, other things, but such I have not yet seen, nor know I any thing more of him, than this, that he died by a rupture of a vein in Corpus Chr. Coll. before (i)(i) Jo. Bale in lib. MS. De Scriptorib Anglicis, Inter Cod. MS. Selden. in bib. Bod. p. 201. b. the Feast of St. Michael in Fifteen hundred forty and nine. 1549 So that I presume he was buried in the Chappel or Cloyster belonging to the said House, if the Author saith true that he died therein.