Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 615
William Hughes
Son of Hugh ap Kendrick of Caernarvanshire by Gwenllian his wife, daughter of John Vychan ap John, ap Gruff, ap Owen Pygott, was born in the said County, and for a while educated in this University. Afterwards retiring to Christs coll. in Cambridge, he took there the degrees in Arts and holy orders; and being soon after made chaplain to Thom. Haward or Howard Duke of Norfolk, attended him to Oxon in the beginning of the year 1568. where, on the same day that the said Duke was created Master of Arts, this his chaplain was incorporated Bach. of div. as he had stood in Cambridge. The year after, the said Duke writing letters to Dr. Laur. Humphrey in his behalf, he was, by the said Humphreys endeavours made to the Vicechancellour and Convocation, permitted to proceed in his faculty. Whereupon being licensed the same year, stood in an Act celebrated 10. Jul. 1570. to compleat that degree. In 1573. he was promoted to the Episcopal See of S. Asaph, to which being consecrated in Lambeth chappel on the thirteenth (g)(g) Ibid. in Godwin, int. Ep. Asaph, p. 664. of Sept. the same year, sate there to the time of his death without any removal. He concluded his last day in Octob. in sixteen hundred, 1600 and was, as I suppose, according to his will, buried in the choire of the Cath. Ch. of S. Asaph; leaving then behind him a Son named William, and a daughter named Anne (the then Wife of Tho. Mostyn Gent.) begotten on the body of his Wife Lucia daughter of Rob. Knowesley of Denbighshire. By his last Will (h)(h) In Offic. Praerog. Cant. int. reg. Wallop, part 2. Q. 69. and Test. dated 16. Oct. 1597. and proved 9. Nov. 1600. he left lands and revenues for the founding a free school in the Cath. Ch. of S. Asaph. He the said Dr. Hughes was succeeded in St. Asaph by Dr. Will. Morgan author of the first translation of all the Bible (since printing was used) into the ancient and unmixed language of the Britains. The translation he dedicated, with a latin epistle prefix’d, to Q. Eliz. and was printed in 1588. For which work he was rewarded with the Bishoprick of Landaff first, and afterwards with that of S. Asaph.