Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 296

Alexander Huish

was born in the Parish of S. Cuthbert within the City of Wells, became either a Batler or Commoner of Magd. Hall, 1609, from whence being taken by the Foundress of Wadham Coll. was made by her one of the original Scholars thereof, an. 1613, and in the same year he took the degree of Bach. of Arts, being the first of all that obtained that degree as a member of that College. Afterwards being Master of his faculty, he entred into holy Orders, became a noted Preacher, and in the year 1627 was admitted to the reading of the sentences. Afterwards he was made Rector of Beckington, and of Hornbloton in Sommersetshire, the last of which he obtained on the death of Thom. Clarke, by the presentation thereunto of Joh. Milbourne Esq. in the beginning of Febr. 1638. Afterwards he became a sharer of afflictions for the Kings cause in the sad time of rebellion, and tho driven from place to place, yet, in the quiet repose that he sometimes obtained, he did improve his talent for the publick good of learning. After the return of his Maj. Ch. 2. an. 1660 he was restored to what he before had lost, and the same year Sept. 12, he was collated to the Prebendship of Whitlackington in the Church of Wells; the gift of which he had before obtained. He was a person well read in the Fathers, a noted Critick, a good Linguist, and a solid and sober Divine. He hath written,

Lectures on the Lords Prayer; in three parts. Lond. 1626. qu. He also was much assisting to Dr. Brian Walton in the compleating the Polyglot Bible; was one of the four correctors of it at the Press, and took great pains in the Septuagint translation, the Greek text of the New Testament and the vulgar latine, compared with the most antient Alexandrian MS copy with the old edit. of the Septuagint, printed at Rome according to the Vatican copy, and Rob. Stephens his edition of the Greek text of the New Testament; and did diligently collect the various readings of the Alexandrian Copy, which are throughout the work put under the Roman edition of the Septuagint, and Stephens’s edition of the Greek text of the New Testament. In the sixth vol. of the said Polyglot Bible, our author Huish hath a Greek Hymn with the latine to it; written by him on S. Hilaries day, 13. Janu. (Styl. vet.) 1657/8 in the year of his great climacteric 63. At length having lived beyond the age of man, and done extraordinary benefit for the common good, died in the beginning of the year (in Apr. as it seems) in sixteen hundred sixty and eight,1668. and was buried either at Beckington or Hornbloton. In his Prebendship succeeded Henry Dutton Bach. of Div. sometimes Fellow of Corp. Chr. Coll. in Oxon, to which he was collated on the 22. of April, in the same year. See more of Alex. Huish in the first vol. an. 1617 in John Flavell nu. 447.