Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 452
Edward Hutchins
, a Den [•] ig [••] hire man born, was admitted perpetual Fellow of Br [••••] coll. in 1581. being that year Master of Arts. Afterwards entring into the Sacred Function, was in short time after numbred among the eniment Preachers of the University. His works are,
Sermons, as (1) Serm. against Recusants, on Cantic. 2. 15. Oxon. 1586. oct. (2) Serm. concerning the true comfort of Gods Church truly Militant, &c. on the Song of Salomon, ch. 4. V. 7. Oxon. 1589. oct. &c. with which last is printed
An Apology for the Church truly Militant.—He hath also published,
Jaw-bone against the spiritual Philistine.—Printed 1601. in tw. and other things which I have not seen. He afterwards (being married) became Prebendary of Chute and Cheesenbury in the Church of Salisbury, and beneficed near to that City. 1629 He died in the beginning of sixteen hundred twenty and nine, and was succeeded in his Prebendship by one Joh. Thorpe.