Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 238
Adam Hyll
, a most noted and eloquent Preacher of his time, was elected Fellow of Baliol Coll. in 1568. being that Bachelaur of Arts, stood in the Act to compleat the degree of Master of that Faculty in 1572. and on the 12. of Jan. following, he resigned his Fellowship. About that time, he being noted for his practical way of Preaching, he became Vicar of Westbury in Wilts, (in which County he was, as it is probable, born) Parson of Goosage in Dorsetshire, and at length Prebendary of Gillyngham Minor in, and Succentor of, the Cath. Church of Salisbury. In 1591. he took the degrees in Divinity, and had he not been untimely snatched away by Death, he would have been advanced to an high degree in the Church. He hath written and published.
Several Sermons: Among which are, (1) Godly Sermon shewing the Fruits of Peace and War, on 2 Cor. 20. 1 Lond. 1588. oct. (2) Serm. On Gen. 18. 21, 22.—Lond. 1593. oct. (3) Serm. concerning Christs descent into Hell, Preached 28. Feb. 1589. but on what Subject I cannot tell, for I have not yet seen it. It was answered by Alex. Humo a Scot; whereupon our Author Hyll came out with a Book intit.
A defence of the Article, Christ descended into Hell, with an Answer to the arguments objected against the truth of the said Doctrine, by one Alexand. Hume, &c.— Lond. 1592. (qu). Afterwards Hume came out with A Rejoinder, wherein the answer to Dr. Hylls Sermon is justly defended. Printed 1593. qu. But before our author Hyll could come out with another answer, he gave way to fate; which hapning at Salisbury about the 16. of Febr. in fifteen hundred ninety and four, was buried in the Cath. Church there,1594-5 on the nineteenth day of the same Month. Soon after his dignity or dignities in the said Church were bestowed on one Tho. Crump. As for the said Alex. Hume he was Master of Arts of the University of St. Andrew in Scotland, was incorporated here, as I shall tell you in the Fasti; and wrote, besides what is before mentioned, (a)(a) Reg. antiq. coll. Ænean. fol. 88. b. A Treatise of Conscience, &c. (2) Treatise of the Felicity of the World to come, &c. (3) Four discourses of praises unto God, &c. All which were printed at London in 1594. in oct.