Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 99

Albayn Hyll

was a Britaine born, as (f)(f) Joh. Bale in lib. De script. c [] nt. 9. nu 38. one that knew him tellus, partly educated in this, and partly in another University, (beyond the Sea, as it seems) where applying his studies to the faculty of Physick he proceeded Doctor, and became famous for it at London, not only for the Theoretic but practick part, and much beloved and admired by all learned Men, especially by Dr. John Cay and Dr. Joh. Fryer two eminent Physicians of Cambridge. One (g)(g) Bassian Lan [••] s de Placentia, in [〈◊〉] corp. [〈◊〉] lib. 2. cap. XI. that lived in his time stiles him Medicus nobilissimus atque optimus, & in omni literarum genere maxime versatus, and tells us, that he wrot several things on Galen, which are printed, and by others cited. This is all that I know of this learned Person, only that he died 26 Dec. in Fifteen hundred fifty and nine, 1559 and that he was buried not far from the grave of his friend and contemporary Dr. Edw. Wotton in the Church of St. Alban situated in Woodstreet in London; in which Parish he had lived many years in great respect, and was esteemed one of the chief Parishioners. Alice his Widow, who died on the last day of May 1580. was buried by him, and both had a substantial Grave-stone, with an inscription on it, laid over them, but that of it which was left part in 1666. was utterly consumed in the grand conflagration of London.