Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 569
Hugh Inge
or Ynge, was born at Shipton-Mallet in Somersetshire, educated in VVykehams School, made perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1484. took the degrees in Arts, and left the coll. in 1496. Afterwards he travelled beyond the Seas, where he was made Doct. of Divinity, was successively made Preb. of East Harptrey in, and Succentor of, the Church of VVells, Guardian of VVapulham in the Dioc. of Lincoln, Preb. of Auste in the Church of VVestbury in the Dioc. of VVorcester, (to which the Vicaridge of VVellow in the Dioc. of B. and VVells was annexed by the Pope) Vicar of Oldeston in the Dioc. of Lincoln, of Dultying in Somersetshire by the presentation of Richard the Abbat, and Conv. of Glastenbury, on the death of Mr. VVill. Speckington, and of VVeston alias Sowey, by the presentation of the said Ab. and Conv. on the death of Mr. Rob. Stafford. In the beginning of Apr. 1511. he was incorporated D. of D. in this University, and in the latter end of that year was made Bishop of Meath in Ireland. Thence he was translated to the Archiepiscopal See of Dublin in the place of Dr. VVill. Rokeby, an. 1521. and about that time was made Chancellour of Ireland, where he was accounted a person of great probity and justice. He gave way to fate at Dublin 3 Aug. in fifteen hundred twenty and eight: 1528 whereupon his body was buried in the Church of S. Patrick there. In the said See of Dublin, succeeded Dr. John Allen, whom I shall mention in his proper place.