Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 357
Gilbert Ironside
son of Ralph Ironside Bach. of Div. somtimes Fellow of Univ. Coll. (afterwards Minister of Long Bridie) by his wife dau. of Will. Gilbert M. A. of Madg. Coll. and superior Beadle of Arts of the Univ. of Oxon, was born at Hawksbury near to Sadbury in that County, on the 25 of Nov. (S. Catherins day) an. 1588, admitted Scholar of Trin. Coll. 28 May 1605, Fellow 1613, being then M. of A, and Bach. of Div. in 1619. At length he became Rector of Winterbourn Stepleton, and Winterbourn Abbots (joyning together) in Dorsetshire: both which he keeping till after the Kings restauration, was made Preb. of Thokerington in the Church of York, in Oct. 1660; about which time being nominated to the See of Bristow, was consecrated thereunto (being first created D. D.) in S. Peters Church at Westm. on the 6. of January 1660. That which I am to take notice of him further is, that tho he was never Chaplain to any spiritual or temporal Lord, or to any King or Prince, or enjoyed any Dignity in the Church, (except the little Preb. beforemention’d) yet being wealthy, he was looked upon as the fittest person to enter upon that mean Bishoprick. He hath written
Seaven questions of the Sabbath. Oxon. 1637. qu. Besides which and a Sermon printed in 1660, he had laid the foundation of other Theological treatises, and had in some manner brought them to perfection, but Civil Wars breaking forth, and old age following, the publication of them was hindred. He died at Bristow on the 19. Sept. in sixteen hundred seventy and one,1671. and was buried in the Cathedral there, near to the entrance into the Bishops Stall, as I have been enformed by his Son of both his names, lately Bishop of that See. See more in Joh. White among these writers, an. 1648. p. 61.