Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 599
John Jewell
sometimes Portionist or Postmaster of Merton coll. afterwards Scholar and Fellow of that of Corp. Christi, was nominated Bishop of Salisbury by Q. Elizabeth. To which See being elected by the Dean and Chapter of that place, she gave her consent (a)(a) Pat. 2. Elizab. p. 11. to it 27 Dec. 1559. He departed this mortal life in fifteen hundred seventy and one, 1571 under which year you may see more of him among the writers. In the See of Salisbury succeeded Edm Gheast Son of Thom. Gheast of the family of the Gheasts of Rough heath in Worcestershire; which Edmund was born, as a certain (*)(*) Thom. Hatcher in his MS. Catalogue of the Provosts, Fell. and Schol. of Kings coll. in Cambridge, under the year 1536. writer saith, at Afferton in Yorkshire; and dying 28. of Feb. in 1576. was buried in the Cath. Ch. of Salisbury.