Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 19
. de COLORIBUS, by Birth an Outlander, by Profession a Black Frier, was a Reader of Divinity in this University several Years, in the Reign of K. Hen. 8. and proceeded in Divinity 1517. Afterwards he became a favourite of Cardinal Wolsey, by whose power he was appointed one of the learned Doctors of the University to write against Luther, and in 1525. he was by him promoted to be a Member of his new erected Coll. at Oxon, but in what capacity I know not. He hath written,
Tract. contra doctrinam M. Lutheri, an. 1521; with other things which I have not yet seen,Claruit 1525. written when he was in great esteem among the Oxonians in Fifteen hundred twenty and five, (17. of Hen. 8.) and after.