Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 605
John Jones
son of John Jones of Llang-Ellian in Denbighshire, became a Student in New Inn, in Act term 1675, aged 20 years, was translated afterwards to Trin. Coll. and as a member thereof taking the degree of Bach. of Arts, 1681, was soon after made Usher of the Free-school at S. Alban in Hertfordshire, where, as in the University, he was esteemed a good latin Poet. He hath written,
Fanum S. Albani Poema carmine Heroico. Lond. 1683 in 4. sh. in qu. dedic. to Sir Harbottle Grimston Knight and Bt, Master of the Rolls. 1686. He died in sixteen hundred eighty and six, and was buried in the large Church of S. Alban before mention’d, with this epitaph soon after put over his grave. H. S. E. Johannes Jones Wallus, Scholae S. Albanensis Hypodidascalus literatissimus. Qui, dum Ecclesia haec Anno 1684 publicis impensis instauraretur, exsculpsit sibi quoque monumentum; quod inscripsit Fanum S. Albani, poema carmine Heroico, hoc lapide, hâc Aede, aevoꝫ perrennius omni, &c.