Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 656
Lewes Jones
was born in Merionithshire, became a Student in this University in 15 [•] 2 or thereabouts, but in what house I cannot tell. In 1569, he being then Bach. of Arts, he was elected Fellow of Allsoules Coll. and about that time taking holy Orders, went, without the taking of any other degree in this University, into Ireland, where he was made Dean of Casshels, and afterwards being nominated to the See of Killaloa in that Country, was consecrated thereunto on the 23 of Apr. 1633. In 1641 when the rebellion broke out there, and great miseries followed thereupon, he retired to Dublin, where dying ((f))((f)) Jac. Waraeus in Comment. de Praesulibus Hiberniae, edit. 1665. p. 232. on the second of Nov. in sixteen hundred forty and six, aged 104 years, was buried in the Church of S. Werburgh, commonly called S. Warborough, in the said City. In the See of Killoloa succeeded Dr. Edw. Parry, Father to John and Benjamin successively Bishops of Ossory, and after him succeeded Dr. Edward Worth, who dying at Hackney near London in the beginning of Aug. 1669, was buried on the sixth day of the same month in the Church of S. Mildrid in Breadstreet in London.