Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 59

Arthur Kelton

seems to have been born of a gentile Family in Shorpshire, though said to be a Welsh Man; and, after he had made a considerable progress in Arts, applied his mind mostly to the reading of the Histories of Britain, wherein he much excelled in his riper Years. But being withal very poetically given, he must forsooth write and publish his Lucubrations in verse; whereby for rhime sake, many material matters, and the due timing of them, are omitted, and so consquently rejected by Historians and Antiquaries, as his

Chronicle of the Brutes. Lond. 1547 in oct. Printed in an old English Character. The Preface of which, being also written in Verse, is by the Author directed to K. Ed. 6. At the end of the said Chronicle is,

A Genealogy of the Brutes—This is drawn from Ofiris the first King of Egypt down to K. Ed. 6. of England, and contains but about 32 Generations, which shews that the Author was ignorant in Genealogies. He hath also written another Book of Poetry in praise of the Welsh Men, dedicated to Sir Will. Herbert, but this I have not yet seen,Clar. 1548. nor other (if any) of his things in Prose. He was living at Shrewsbury in the time of King Ed. 6. and, for ought I know to the contrary died also, and was buried, there.