Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 485
Richard Kilbye
was born at Radcliff on the River Wreake in Leicestershire, elected Fellow of Lincoln coll. 18. Jan. 1577. being then about three years standing in the University. Afterwards he took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders, and became a noted Preacher in the University. In 1590. he was elected Rector of his College, took the degrees in Divinity, was made Prebendary of the Cath. Ch. at Lincoln, and at length Hebrew Professor of this University. He hath written,
Commentarii in Librum Exodi. Part. 2. MS. in the hands sometimes of Will. Gilbert Fellow of Linc. coll. The chief part of which is excerpted from the Monuments of the Rabbins and Hebrew Interpreters. He also continued Jo. Mercers notes on Genesis, and would have printed them, but was denied; had a hand also in the translation of the Bible, appointed by K. Jam. 1. an. 1604. and did other very laudable matters relating to learning.
Serm. in S. Maries Church Oxon, 26. Mar. 1612. at the Funeral of Tho. Holland the King’s Professor of Divinity in this Univ. on 1 Cor. 5. 55, 56, 57.—Oxon. 1613. qu. He, the said Dr. Kilbye, was buried in that Chancel in Allsaints Church in Oxon. which is commonly called The College Chancel, (because it belongs to Linc. coll.) on the 17. 1620 Nov. in sixteen hundred and twenty, aged 60. or thereabouts. Whereupon Paul Hood Bac. (afterwards D.) of Divinity succeeded him in his Rectorship, and Edward à Meetkerk Bach. of Div. of Ch. Ch. in his Professorship. Besides this Rich. Kilbye was another of both his names, and a writer too, as I have, under the year 1617. told you.