Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 283
Thomas Kingsmill
born of, and descended from, an ancient and gentile Family of his name, living at Sidmanton in Hampshire, became a Student in this University in 1555. or thereabouts, and Fellow of Magd. coll. in 1560. being then Bachelaur of Arts. In 1565. he was elected Publick Orator, and in 69. he was made Hebrew Professor of the University. In 1572. he was a candidate for the degree of Bachelaur of Div. but whether he was really admitted, I find not. Soon after being distempered in brain by too much lucubration, the famous Mr. Rich. Hooker of C. C. coll. supplied his place of Professor in 1579. and for some years following. What became of him afterwards, I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that he recovering his Senses, wrote and published,
A complaint against Security. Lond. 1602. oct.
Classicum Paenitentiale. Ox. 1605. qu.
Tractatus de Scandalo. Printed with the Classicum. There was another Tho. Kingsmill who was M.Clar. 1605. of A. Preacher of God’s Word at Hyth, one of the Cinque Ports in Kent, an 1631. and the publisher of a Sermon called The Drunkard’s Cup, on Prov. 23. 21. Lond. 1631. oct. but whether he hath published any thing else, or was of this University, I cannot justly say it.