Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 64
Nicholas Krach
, or Karche, or Chracher, Kratcher, or Kratzer, (so many ways I find him written) was born at Munchen in Bavaria, and educated in the Universities of Colen and Wyttenberg till he was Bach. of Arts: Afterwards coming into England; and at length to the knowledge of Fox Bishop of Winchester, was made by him Fellow of his College called Corpus Christi, and admitted thereunto on the fourth of July 1517. About that time he reading Astronomy in the University by the command of K. Hen. 8. was soon after made by Cardinal Wolsey his Mathematick Reader when he first settled his Lectures there. In Feb. 1522. he was incorporated Bach. of Arts, as he had stood at Colen and Wyttenberg, and in the same Month was licensed to proceed in Arts; which Degree he compleated in an Act celebrated 23. March following, being then esteemed—ita (n)(n) Vid. praefat. ad Guidon. Bonatum de Astronomia, edit Bas. 1550. bonus & probus, ut majore quam Mathematicorum fortuna sit dignus, & ita suae Artis peritus, ut solus isthic artifex habere debeat. He wrot at the desire of Will. Tyler one of the Grooms of K. Hen. 8. his Belchamber.
Canones Horopti. MS. This Book which is dedicated to K. Hen. 8. in Corp. Chr. Coll. Library; and no doubt there is, but that other Copies of it are in other places.
De Compositione Horologeorum. MS. in the said Library. This is generally said to be his, as the Annotation at the end, may in part prove it. He made the old Dial, which is at this day in C. C. C. Garden, and that standing on a Pillar in St. Maries South Church-yard in the High Streat of the City of Oxon. On which, soon after, was hung up the Universities condemnation of the Doctrin of Luther. This famous Mathematician of his time,Clar. 1550. was living in the Year 1550. (4 Ed. 6.) and after his death, (which I think soon followed) many of his Books came into the hands of that eminent Mathematician Dr. John Dee, and some into those of Dr. Rich. Forster a noted Physician, and Mathematician also. See more of this Nich. Kratzer, in Hist. & Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 1. p. 247. b. lib. 2. p. 35. b.