Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 530

William Leig

, a Lancashire man born, was entred a Student in Brasnose coll. an. 1571. and in 73. he was elected Fellow thereof. Afterwards he took the degrees in Arts, entred into the Sacred Function, and became a painful Preacher in the University and parts adjacent. In 1586. or thereabouts, he being promoted to the Rectory of Standish in his own Country, took the degree of Bac. of Div. and on the 24. of Nov. 1587. he resigned his Fellowship, setled at Standish for altogether, was made Justice of the Peace there, and held in great esteem for his learning and godliness. He hath published,

Several Sermons, as, (1) Fun. Serm. Job. 14. 14. printed 1602. in oct. (2) The first step towards Heaven; or Anna the Prophetess her holy haunt to the Temple of God, preached in Standish Church, on Luke 2. 36, 37, 38, 39. Lond. 1609. oct. (3) Q. Elizabeth parallel’d in her princely vertue, with David, Joshua, and Hezekiah, in three Sermons; the first on Psal. 123. 1, 2, 3, 4. The second on Joshua 10. 12. And the third on 2 Kings 18. 5, 6. Lond. 1612. oct. (4) The damp of death, beaten back with the glorious light and life of Jesus Christ, preached at Lancaster Assize, on Coloss. 3. 3, 4. Lond. 1613. oct. (5) The Soul’s solace against Sorrow, Fun. Serm. preached in Childwal Church in Lancashire at the burial of Mrs. Katharine Brettergh, 3. June 1601. on Isay 57. 1. Lond. 1617. oct. (6) Serm. on Acts 2. 19, 20, 21.—Printed 1613. oct. (7) Serm. on Heb. 9. 27, 28.— Printed in qu. with others which I have not yet seen. He gave way to fate in a good old age in sixteen hundred thirty and nine, 1639 and was buried in the Chancel of his Church at Standish 28. Nov. Over his grave is a brass plate fastned to the wall at the east end of the said Chancel, whereon is this engraven. Conditum est hic corpus Gulielmi Leigh S. T. bac. verae religionis professoris sinceri, haeresium propulsatoris acerrimi, concionatoris suavissimi, hujus Ecclesiae quinquaginta tres annos pastoris vigilantiss. cujus nonnulla extant, pluraque desiderantur opera, evocati ex hac vita 26. Nov. an. dom. 1639. aetatis suae octogessimo nono.