Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 190

John Ley

was born in the antient Borough of Warwick, on the 4 of Feb. an. 1583, but descended from the Leys of Cheshire, educated in Grammar learning in the Free-school in the said Borough, became a Student of Ch. Ch. in 1601, where continuing for some time after he was Master of Arts, was presented by the Dean and Canons to the Vicaridge of Great Budworth in Cheshire, and there continued several years a constant Preacher. Afterwards he was made Prebendary of the Cath. Ch. at Chester, Sub-dean thereof (1605,) a weekly Lecturer on Friday in S. Peters Church in the said City, and Clerk of the Convocation of the Clergy once or twice. But he having always been puritanically inclined, he sided with the Presbyterians upon the defection of the Members of the Long Parliament, an. 1641, took the Covenant, was made one of the Assembly of Divines, Examiner in Latine to the said Assembly, Rector of Ashfield in Cheshire, and for a time Rector of Astbury or Estbury in the said County, Chairman of the Committee for the examination of Ministers, and of the Committee for Printing, one of the Ordainers of Ministers according to the Presbyterian way, &c. President of Sion Coll. about 1645, and afterwards when Dr. Ed. Hyde was ejected from his rich Parsonage of Brightwell near Wallingford in Berks, he was appointed to succeed him by the Committee; which, if I mistake not, he kept with other Benefices for a time. In 1653 he was appointed one of the Tryers for the approbation of publick Ministers, and in the year following an Assistant to the Commissioners of Berks. for the ejecting of such whom they then called scandalous, ignorant, and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters. Soon after, upon pretence that he could enjoy but little peace or hope of settlement for after times at Brightwell, (for the truth is he was much hated while he lived there) he obtained the rich Rectory of Solyhull in Warwickshire from the Patron thereof Sir Sim. Archer of Umberslade near Tamworth Knight, before the year 1656, where he continued for some time. At length breaking a vein within him, by overstraining himself in speaking, became very weak thereupon. So that being not able to go on in the Ministry, he resigned Solyhull upon some consideration given, and went to Sutton Colfield in the said County, where, after he had lived privately for a short time, gave up the ghost in a fair age. He was esteemed in his time a man of note, especially by those of the Presbyterian perswasion, well vers’d in various Authors, and a ready Preacher. His works are these.

An Apology in defence of the Geneva Notes on the Bible, which were in S. Maries Ch. in Oxon publickly and severely reflected on by Dr. Joh. Howson.—When printed I know not. ’Twas written about 1612, and submitted to the judgment of Bish. Usher, who did well approve of it.

Pattern of piety: or, the religious life and death of Mrs. Jane Ratcliff widow, and Citizen of Chester. Lond. 1640. oct.

Several sermons, as (1) Serm. on Ruth 3.11. Lond. 1640. oct. (2) A monitor of mortality, in two funeral sermons occasion’d by the death of Joh. Archer, son and heir of Sir Sim. Archer of Warwicksh. Knight, and of Mrs. Harper of Chester, and her daughter Phebe of 12 years old. The first on Jam. 4.14. and the other on Gen. 44.3. Lond. 1643. qu. (3) Fury of war, and folly of sin, Fast serm. before the H. of Com. on Jer. 4.21.22. Lond. 1643. qu. &c.

Sunday a sabbath: or, a preparative discourse for discussion of sabbatarie doubts. Lond. 1641. qu. Assisted in this work by the MSS. and advice of Archb. Usher.

The Christian Sabbath maintained: in answer to a book of Dr. Pocklington stiled Sunday no Sabbath.

Defensive doubts, hopes, and reasons for refusal of the Oath, imposed by the sixth Canon of the Synod. Lond. 1641. qu.

Letter against the erection of an Altar, written 29 June 1635 to John, Bishop of Chester.

Case of conscience concerning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.—These two last things, were printed, and go, with Defensive doubts.

Comparison of the parliamentary protestation with the late canonical Oath, and the difference between them; as also the opposition between the doctrine of the Ch. of England and that of Rome, &c. Lond. 1641. quar.

Further discussion of the case of conscience touching receiving of the Sacrament.—Printed with the Comparison.

Examination of John Saltmarsh’s new Query, and determination upon it, published to retard the establishment of the Presbyterial Government, &c. Lond. 1646. qu.

Censure of what Mr. Saltmarsh hath produced to the same purpose, in his other, and latter books, which he calleth The opening of Mr. Prynns Vindication.

Apologetical narrative of the late petition of the Common Council and Ministers of London to the honorable houses of Parliament, with a justification of them from the contumacy of the weekly Pamphleteers.—These two last things are printed with the Examinat. of J. Saltm. new Query, &c.

Light for smoak: or a clear and distinct reply to a dark and confused answer in a book made and intit. The smoake of the Temple, by Joh. Saltmarsh late Preacher at Breasteed in Kent, now revolted from his pastoral calling and charge. Lond. 1646. qu. To this book is joyned—Novello mastix: or, a scourge for a scurrilous News-monger. In answer to the ignorant and malevolent aspersions cast upon that rev. and learned Divine Mr. Joh. Ley, by the Writer of a Pamphlet called (by the figure Antiphrasis) The perfect Passages—Said there to be written by C. D. Master of Arts.

An after reckoning with Mr. Saltmarsh: or, an appeal to the impartial and conscientious Reader, &c. against his last paper called An end of our controversie; or an answer or letter, to Mr. Ley’s last large book. Lond. 1646. quar. This book, as Mr. Ley’s special ((a))((a)) Rich. Moore a Nonconformist Minister living at Wetherock hill in Worcestershire. friend hath told me, was written by the said Ley, yet the Reader is to know that in the title it is said that L. M. Student in Divinity wrot it. The said book called An end of our controversie, &c. was written in answer to Light for Smoake. This Saltmarsh, by the way it must be known, was descended from an antient family of his name living sometimes at Saltmarsh in Yorkshire, but whether born in that County, or at Strubby in Lincolnshire, where was a branch of his name living for three generations before his time, I know not, educated in Magd. Coll. in Cambridge, graduated there, and afterwards beneficed, being esteemed then a person of a ((b))((b)) Tho. Fuller in his Worthies of England, in Yorksh. fine and active fancy, no contemptible Poet and a good Preacher. But upon the turn of the times in 1641, he, as a mutable man, became, of a zealous observer, a violent opposer, of Bishops and Ceremonies. At that time he was a Preacher at Northampton, and at other places, where he was much followed by, and found esteem from, such who entitled themselves The godly. Afterwards he was Chaplain in the Parliament Army under Sir Tho. Fairfax, where he always preached the bonds of love and peace, praying that that might be the cord to unite Christians in unity. He medled not in the pulpit with Presbytery and Independency, but solely laboured to draw the soul from sin to Christ. Thus he lived among Soldiers in time of health; and how his departure was from the Army a little before his death, you shall hear more anon, and in the mean time I shall tell you of several things that he hath written, besides what are before mentioned (which shew him to be an Antinomian) as (1) The Assemblies petition defended against his Exception. (2) Holy discoveries and flames—Printed in tw. 1640. (3) Free Grace; or, the flowings of Christs blood freely to sinners; being an experiment of Jes. Ch. upon one who hath been in the bondage of a troubled spirit, at times for twelve years till now, &c. Lond. 1645. in tw. (4) New Quere, &c. Lond. 1645. qu. ’Tis about Church-Government, and ’tis mention’d before. (5) Shadowes flying away. Lond. 1646. qu. Animadverted upon by Tho. Gataker in his Shadowes with substance, &c. Ibid. 1646. qu. (6) Dawnings of light, wherein the true interest of Reformation is opened in general, and in particular for the establishing of weaker judgments. Lond. 1646. in tw. (7) Maxims of Reformation. Printed with the former. (8) Reasons for unity, peace and love: in answer to Mr. Tho. Edwards his Gangraena—Lond. 1646. qu. (9) Groanes for liberty, &c. presented from the Presbyterian Brethren, reputed the most learned among them, in some Treatises called Smectymnus, to the honorable Court of Parliament an. 1641 by reason of the Prelates Tyranny. Lond. 1646. qu. (10) Beame of light discovering the way to peace. (11) Some Queries for the better understanding of Mr. Edwards last book called Gangraena. Lond. 1646. qu. (12) Parallel between Prelacy and Presbytery. Ibid. 1646. qu. (13) The divine right of Presbytery, asserted by the present Assembly, and petitioned for accordingly to the H. of Com. in Parliament, with reasons discussing this pretended divine right. Lond. 1646. in 3 sh. in qu. (14) Sparcles of Glory: or, Some beams of the morning star, wherein are many discoveries as to peace and truth. Lond. 1647. in tw. (15) Wonderful Predictions, declared in a message, as from the Lord, to his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, and the Council of his Army. Lond. 1648. in one sh. in qu. with other things which I have not yet seen, as (1) Several sermons. (2) Practice of Policy, printed in tw. (3) Flagellum Flagelli, &c. against Dr. Jo. Bastwick, and lastly Animadversions on Mr. Tho. Fullers sermon, wherein he taxeth him of Popery. At length on the 4 of Decemb. 1647, he being then at his house near to Ilford in Essex, told his wife that he had been in a trance, had seen a vision, and received a command from God, to go presently to the Army, to make known to them what the Lord had revealed to him, which would be the last work that he had to do for them, and taking leave of his wife, he hasted to London that night, and declared to Sir Hen. Mildmay a Parliament-man, that he was sent by the Lord with a message to the Army, to make known some things unto them which God had revealed unto him. The next day being Sunday, he with much ado got a horse, and about 3 of the clock in the afternoon rode towards Windsore the Head-quarter of the Army, and about 11 of the clock at night came to a certain Town about 7 miles distant from Windsore, where he laid that night, and spoke of many wonderful things that the Lord had revealed to him. But the man and woman of the house gave no credit at first to what he said, tho, before he left them, they did, and began to be taken with his preaching discourses. Before break of day the next morning, being Munday Dec. 6. he went towards Windsore, and being there about 9 of the clock, he repaired to the General Council, where some of the Officers were met in expectation of the General and the rest, to sit in Council; before whom he spoke these words, with his eyes almost fix’d in his head, or rather as if he had come out of a trance with fear and trembling to express what he had received, “I am come hither to reveal to you what I have received from God. That tho the Lord hath done much for you, and by you, yet he hath of late left you, and is not in your Councils, because you have forsaken him. God will not prosper your Consultations, but destroy you by divisions among your selves. I have formerly come to you like a lamb, but God hath now raised in me the spirit of a lyon, because you have sought to destroy the people of God. The controversie that is now before you, calls for the tenderest judgment, because it concerns the faithful ones, those imprison’d of your own members, having always stood by you through the greatest difficulties.—I advise all the faithful to depart from you, lest they be destroyed with you, &c. ” Afterwards he went to Sir Tho. Fairfax the General, but did not move his hat to him, saying, “I have had a command from God not to honour you at all.—I have honoured you so much, that I have offended God in doting upon your person.—God hath revealed unto me, that he is highly displeased with your committing of Saints to prison, that he will not prosper you, nor can I honour you, &c. ” After he had parted with the General he went to Cromwell the Lieut. General, whom he met in the Hall in Windsore Castle, and being by him asked how he did, Saltmarsh stirred not his hat, but told him, The Lord was angry with him, for causing those godly men to be imprison’d, sleighted, and abused, for those engagements which he had formerly owned, and the persons such as he knew faithful in the cause of God: That the Armies falling off from their former principles, it would be their ruin and destruction, and would raise such factions among themselves, as would undo them, &c. Cromwell told him thereupon that some things were not so well as he could wish, and wondred such passages should fall from him. Saltmarsh then proceeded and declared to him as he had done to the general Council of the Army. At length Cromwell took a paper out of his pocket, which, he told Saltmarsh he had received from him, and there read it, some of which was not much different from what he had said. An Officer then present spake of something that had lately fallen from another Member of the Army relating to that purpose. Whereupon Saltmarsh replyed, Look you here now, out of the mouths of two or three witnesses the truth of God is confirmed. Whereupon Cromwell said I am glad that there is some tenderness of heart in you; and then, after some other discourse, they parted. Afterwards Mr. Saltmarsh discoursed with other Officers, and with Hugh Peters, about the same matter; and the next day being Tuesday Dec. 7. he went to Cromwell again and told him he had one thing yet to deliver to him, which God required of him, and that was, that he would immediately take effectual course for the enlargement of the Members of the Army that were committed for not complying with the General Council, and that he do not prosecute against those that have been faithful, &c. Afterwards he took his leave of the Officers, telling them that he had then done his errand, and must leave them, never to see the Army more. That night he went to London, and the next day he told divers of his friends there what he had done at Windsore, and then taking his leave, said his work was done, his message delivered, and desired them to be careful of his wife. On Thursday Dec. 9. he went from London very cheerful and well, and arrived that night at his house near Ilford, not sick at all, and told his wife what he had done. On Friday Dec. 10. he told his wife that he had now finished his course, and must go to his father; and in the afternoon he complained that his head did ake, desiring to lay down upon his bed, where his wife took all possible care of him: But whatsoever he received for sustenance, he could not retain it, yet he rested well all that night. On Saturday Decemb. 11. an. 1647, he was taken speechless in the morning, and in the afternoon about 4 or 5 of the clock, he died in great peace and quiet, leaving then the character behind him by some, of a bigotted enthusiastical person. Afterwards came out a book intit. Saltmarsh return’d from the dead in amico Philalethe: or, the resurrection of James the Apostle, &c. being an exposition on the fifth chap. of S. James. Lond. 1655. qu. published by S. G. Thus far, with as much brevity as I could, concerning this Jo. Saltmarsh who was full of poetical raptures and highly conceited of himself and parts. See more in Will. Prynne. Now let’s go on with Joh. Ley and tell you what other books he hath published.

Elaborate annotations on the Pentateuch, &c. The first and second edit. enlarged, the text explained, &c. Lond. 1651. fol.

Learned defence for the legality of Tithes, for, and towards, the maintenance of, Gospel Ministers. Oxon. 1653, qu.

General reasons grounded on Equity, Piety, Charity, and Justice against the payment of a fifth part to sequestred Ministers, Wives and Children. Lond. 1654. 55. quart.

An acquittance or discharge from Dr. E. H. (Edw. Hyde) his demand of a fift part of the Rectory of Br. (Brightwell) in Berks. pleaded as in a Court of Equity and Conscience. Lond. 1654. qu.

Letter to Dr. Edw. Hyde, in answer to one of his, occasion’d by the late insurrection at Salisbury.—Printed in 2 sh. in qu. ’Twas dated at Brightwell 6 Apr. 1655.

Debate concerning the English Liturgy, &c. between Edw. Hyde D. D. and Joh. Ley. Lond. 1656. qu. The Debate is carried on in Epistles between them.

Discourse of disputations, chiefly concerning matters of Religion. Lond. 1658. qu.

Animadversions on two printed books of Joh. Onely a Lay-Preacher.—Printed with the Discourse.

Equitable and necessary considerations for the association of Arms throughout England and Wales.

Petition to the Lord Protector by divers, for the establishment of themselves, and other their brethren, for their own lives, in the places to which they are admitted, to officiate as Ministers of the Gospel, without institution and induction by the Bishops.

Comparison of the oath of the sixth Canon of the last Synod of Bishops, and the protestation set forth by the Parliament, in answer to a letter of Pedael Harlow Gent.—Printed in qu. This Harlow hath one or more things that are extant, and was a professed Creature of Henry Earl of Manchester.

Attestation of the Ministers of Cheshire, to the testimony of the Ministers of the Province of London, against errors, heresies and blasphemies.—Pr. in qu.

Exceptions many and just; being an answer to two injurious Petitions against Tythes.—These are all the things that I hitherto know, that have been written by our Author Ley, and therefore I have no more to say of him but this, that after he had lived to see many mutations in Church and State, and had enjoyed many places of profit, and benefices belonging to other men of the Royal Party, purposely to gain wealth, did willingly give up the ghost at Sutton Colfield before mention’d, on the sixteenth day of May in sixteen hundred sixty and two, and was buried in the Church there,1662. leaving then the character behind him by some, that he was one of the pillars of Presbytery; and by others, a person learned and well read in the Fathers and Councils. One Mr. Ley a learned Divine, wrot a book about 1624. intit. The Christian Nomenclator, &c. against the Papists, mention’d in Joh. Gee’s book intit. The foot out of the snare, &c. Lond. 1624. qu. p. 17. in marg. whether the same with our Author Joh. Ley I know not.