Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 528

Martin Llewellin

, Lluellyn or Lluelyn (so many ways I find him written) the seventh son, without any daughter between, of Mart. Lluellyn, was born in London on the 12 of Decemb. 1616, and on the 22 of the said month was baptized in the Church of Little S. Barthelmew near Smithfield. In 1636 he was elected a Student of Ch. Ch. from Westm. School, took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1643, at which time he bore arms for his Majesty, and was at length a Captain. In 1648 he was ejected by the Visitors appointed by Parliament; so that afterward going to the great City, he prosecuted then his genius as much to Physick, as before it had to Poetry. In 1653 he obtained the favour of the men in power, then in the University, to be admitted Doctor of Physick, and so consequently took the Oaths that were then required, and afterwards became Fellow of the Coll. of Physitians. In 1660 he was sworn Physitian to his Majesty, at that time newly return’d to his Kingdoms, and in the same year he was not only made Principal of the Hall of S. Mary the Virgin, but one of the Commissioners appointed by the King for regulating the University of Oxon, in which office he shew’d himself active enough. In 1664 he left the University, and setling with his wife and family in a market Town in Bucks. called Great Wycombe, practised his faculty there, was made a Justice of the Peace for that County, and in 1671 was elected Mayor of that Corporation; in which offices he behaved himself severe against the Phanaticks. He hath written,

Among his Elegies is one upon Rob. Burton alias Democritus Junior of Ch. Ch, another upon the eminent Poet and Orator Will. Cartwright, a third upon Dr. Laud Archb. of Cant. and a fourth upon Sir Hen. Spelman the Antiquary.

Verses on the return of K. Ch. 2, James Duke of York, and Henry Duke of Glocester. Lond. 1660. in 3 sh. in folio.

Elegie on the death of Henry Duke of Glocester.—Printed 1660. (in a fol. paper.)

Wickham wakened: or, the Quakers Madrigall in rime dogrell.—Printed 1672 in one sheet in qu. Written while he was Mayor of Wycombe against a Practitioner of Phys. who was a Quaker and took much from his practice.1681/2. He died on the 17 of March in sixteen hundred eighty and one, and was buried in the middle of the north isle joyning to the Chancel of the Church of Gr. Wycombe before mentioned. Over his grave was soon after a black marble stone laid, with this inscription thereon. Hic jacet Martinus Lluelyn eruditus Medicinae Doctor, ex Aede Christi olim Alumnus, saeviente Civilis belli incendio (dum Oxonium praesidio muniebatur) cohorti Academicorum fideli Praefectus erat adversus ingruentem Rebellium ferociam: posteaquam sereniss. Carolo secundo inter juratos Medicus, & Colleg. Med. Lond. socius. Aulae sanctae Mariae dudum Principalis, dein hujusce comitatus Irenarcha, necnon municipii hujus semel Praetor, Regiae authoritatis & religionis Eccles. Angliae legibus stabilitae strenuus assertor, inconcussus amator, celeberrimus insignis Poeta. Qui res egregias & sublimes pari ingenio & facundia depinxit. Bino matrimonio foelix septem liberos superstites reliquit, Laetitiam & Martinum ex priore, Georgium, Ricardum & Mauritium, Martham & Mariam ex posteriore nuper amantissima conjuge, Georgii Long de Penn Generosi filiâ. Heu! quam caduca corporis humani fabrica, qui toties morbos fugavit, ipse tandem morbo succumbit Anhelus doctorum & proborum maximum desiderium. Obiit xvii. Martii MDCLXXXI anno aetatis LXVI.