Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 669

Hugh Lloyd

was born in the County of Cardigan, became a Servitour or poor Scholar of Oriel Coll. an. 1607 or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, translated himself to Jesus Coll, of which I think he became Fellow, and in 1638 he proceeded in Divinity, being about that time Archdeacon of S. David and well beneficed in his own Country. In the times of Usurpation and Rebellion he suffered much for the Kings cause, was ejected and forced to remove from place to place for his own security: In consideration of which and his episcopal qualities, he was consecrated to the See of Landaffe on the second day of Decemb. (being the first Sunday of that month) an. 1660, by the Archb. of York, Bishops of London, Rochester, Salisbury and Worcester: at which time six other Bishops were also consecrated. He died in June or July, 1667. in sixteen hundred sixty and seven, and was, as I suppose, buried at Matherne in Monmouthshire, where the House or Pallace pertaining to the Bishop of Landaff is situated. In the said See succeeded Dr. Francis Davies, as I shall tell you elsewhere.