Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 686
Humphrey Lloyd
the third son of Rich. Lloyd D. D. and Vicar of Ruabon in Denbighshire, by Jane his wife the daughter of Rudderch Hughes Clerk, of the family of Maes [•] y Pandy, was born at Bod [•] y Fudden in the Parish of Trawsfynydd in the County of Merioneth, in Jul. or Aug. an. 1610, became a Com. of Oriel Coll. for a time, afterwards of Jesus where he was Scholar, and thence again to Oriel Coll, of which he became Fellow in 1631 and a great Tutor for many years. When the K. and Court were setled in Oxon he became known to Dr. Joh. Williams Archb. of York then there, who made him his Chapl. and gave him the Prebendship of Ampleford in the Church of York, which he kept to his death. After the decease of his father, which was in the time of the Troubles, he succeeded him in the Vicaridge of Ruabon, but was soon deprived of it and his Prebendship by the Usurpers, till restored again to both by the happy Revolution in 1660. On the 13 of Aug. 1661 he was made Canon of S Asaph, and in the month following he was actually created D. of D. On the 14 of Dec. 1663 he was installed Dean of S. Asaph in the place of Dr. Dav. Lloyd deceased, and on the 19 of Dec. 1664 he resigned the Sinecure of Northop in Flintshire, in which he was succeeded by Mr. Will. Stone Princ. of New Inn in Oxon. In 1673 he was removed from Ruabon to the Vicaridge of Gresford, vacant by the death of his elder brother Mr. Sam. Lloyd, and soon after succeeding Dr. Rob. Morgan in the See of Bangor, was consecrated thereunto in the Chap. of London house in Lond. on Sunday the 16 of Nov. 1673 by Dr. Hinchman B. of London, Dr. Morley of Wint, Dr. Ward of Sal, Dr. Dolben of Roch. &c. at which time Dr. Will. Lloyd, who was afterwards successively B of Landaff, Peterb. and Norwich, preached the Consecration Sermon, and on the 5 of Jan. following he was installed at Bangor by proxy. In 1685 he procured the Archdeaconries of Bangor and Anglesie and the Sinecure of Llanrhaider in Kinmerch to be annexed to the Bishoprick of Bangor, by Act of Parl. for ever, and two thirds of both the comportions of Llanddinam to the Ch, for the support of the Fabrick and the maintenance of the Choir of Bangor, and the other third for the maintenance of the Vicaridges belonging to Llanddinam. He ordered the four bells formerly bestowed by B. Hen. Rowlands on the Ch. of Bangor to be all new cast, and added a fifth bell bigger than the former, all at his own charge. He died on Friday the 18 of Jan. in six [•] een hundred eighty and eight,1688/9. and was buried in the grave of B. Rowlands on the north side of the Altar, in the Cath. Ch. of Bangor, leaving then behind him three sons named John, Francis Archdeacon of Merioneth and Rector of Llandyrnoe, and Richard Registrary of Bangor, as also a Relict named Jane the daugh. of John Griffyth of Llyn Esq, widow of Owen Brereton of Burros Esq. The inscription on the Monument, which, I presume, is by this time put over his grave, runs thus. M. S. Humphredi Lloyd S. T. P. Episcopi Bangor, qui è familia Lloydorum de Dulasseu oriundus, in agro Merviniensi natus & in Acad. Oxon. educatus. Postquam causae regiae sub Carolo Martyre strenuus Assertor & Confessor extitisset, sub Carolo secundo primo Decanatu Asaphensi, dein Episcopatu Bangor. insignitus. Huic Ecclesiae per tria annorum lustra praefuit & benefecit. Obiit xv. Kal. Feb. MDCLXXXVIII, aetatis suae LXXVIII.