Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 685
John Lloyd
son of Morgan Lloyd was born of an antient family at Pentaine in Caermerthenshire, became a Student in Merton Coll. in Lent term 1655, aged 15 years or thereabouts, and took one degree in Arts as a member of that house. Afterwards he became Fellow of that of Jesus, Principal thereof on the resignation of Sir Leolin Jenkyns, D. of D. and Treasurer of Landaff. In 1682. 83. and 84 he did execute the Office of Vicechancellour of this University; and on the death of Dr. Laur. Womack being nominated by K. Jam. 2. to succeed him in the See of S. David, was consecrated thereunto at Lambeth on the 17 of Oct. 1686. Afterwards retiring to Oxon in a dropsical condition, died in Jesus Coll. on the thirteenth day of Febr. following,1666/7. being then the first Sunday in Lent: Whereupon his body was buried at the upper end of the Chappel belonging to that Coll, near to the grave of Sir Leol. Jenkyns before mention’d. To the said See was nominated by the said King Dr. Tho. Watson of S. Johns Coll. in Cambridge, consecrated thereunto at Lambeth 26 June 1687, and afterwards, upon dislike of his person and for that he had been recommended by the L. Dover to the said King, he did suffer and endure many affronts and intolerable abuses from the Rabble, in Dec. 1688, just after the said King had left England for France.