Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 276
John Lloyd
, or Lhuyd, nearly related to Humph. Lhuyd, mentioned under the year 1570. was born in the ancient Borough of Denbigh in Denbighshire in Wales, educated in Wykehams School, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1579. took the degrees in Arts, was Junior of the Act in 1585. and soon after became in eminent Preacher. In 1595. he proceeded in Divinity, became Vicar of Writtle in Essex, on the death of Dr. Maschiart, 1598. and was in high esteem there, in the Neighbourhood, and the University, for his rare Learning and excellent way of Preaching. He hath published,
Interpretatio Latina, cum Scholiis in Flav. Josaphum de Macabaeis, seu de rationis imperio, &c. Oxon. 1590. oct. Done by the help of an excellent Exemplar, more corrected and compleat than ever before. He also was the first that published Barlaamus de Papae Principatu, Gracè & Latinè. Oxon 1592. What other things he hath written and published, I now not, not any thing else material of him, only this, that he paid his last debt to Nature at Writtle before-mentioned, in sixteen hundred and three, 1603 and was buried in the Church there. He was succeeded in that Vicaridg by Matthew Davies Doct. of Div. by the gift of the Warden, and the Society of New college, of which he was Fellow, and continued there to the time of his death, an. 1624. Soon after succeeded Dr. Joh. South the King’s Professor of the Greek Tongue in this University.