Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 424
Thomas Lodge
, was descended from those of his name living in Lincolnshire, but whether born there, I cannot tell, made his first entry into this University about 1573. and was afterwards Servitour or Scholar under the learned and vertuous Mr. Edward Hobye of Trinity coll. where making early advances, his ingenuity began at first to be observed by several of his compositions in Poetry. After he had taken one degree in Arts, and had spent some time in exercising his fancy among the Poets in the great City, he was esteemed, (not Jos Hall of Emanuel coll. in Cambridge excepted) the best for Satyr among English men. At length his mind growing more serious, he studied Physick, for the improvement of which he travelled beyond the Seas, took the degree of Dr. of that faculty at Avenion, returned and was incorporated in the University in the latter end of Qu. Elizabeth. Afterwards setling in London he practiced it, became much frequented for his success in it, especially by the R. Catholicks (of which number he was by many suspected to be one) and was as much cried up to his last for Physick, as he was in his younger days for his poetical fancy. He hath written,
Alarum against Usurers, containing tried experiences, against worldly abuses. Lond. 1584. qu.
History of Forbonius and Prisaeria, with truths complaint over England—Printed with the Alarum.
Euphues Golden Legacy found after his death in his cell at Silexedra, bequeathed to Philautus Sonnes, nursed up with their Father in England. Lond. 1590. &c. qu.
The wounds of a civil War, lively set forth in the true Tragedies of Marius and Scilla. Lond. 1594. qu.
A fig for Momus—Pr. in qu.
Looking-glass for London: An historical Comedy. Lond. 1598. qu. In the composure of which he had the assistance of Robert Green M. A. of Cambridge.
Liberality and prodigality, Comedy. Lady Alimony, Com. Luminalia, a Maske. Lawes of nature, Com.
Assisted also in these by the said Rob. Green, who is accounted the half author of them.
Treatise of the Plague, containing the nature, signs and accidents of the same, &c. Lond. 1603. qu.
Countess of Lincol. Nusery. Oxon. 1622. in 2. or 3. sh. in qu.
Treatise in defence of Plays.—This I have not yet seen, nor his Pastoral Songs and Madrigals, besides several other things which are as it were lost to the generality of Scholars. He also translated into English (1) Josephus his History or Antiquities of the Jews. Lond. 1602. 09. 20. &c. sol. (2) The works both moral and natural of Luc. An. Seneca. Lond. 1614. 20. fol. &c. This eminent Doctor who practiced his faculty in Warwick Lane in the beginning of K. Jam. 1. and afterwards on Lambert-hill, removed thence a little before his last end into the parish of S. Mary Magd. in Old Fishstreet, London, where he made his last exit (of the Plague I think) in September, in sixteen hundred twenty five, 1625 leaving then behind him a Widdow called Joan, but where buried, unless in the Church or yard there, I know not. His memory is celebrated by several Poets, whose Encomiums of him being frequent, I shall for brevity sake pass them now by, and proceed to the next who had a name among those of his perswasion for an eminent. Theologist.