Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 621

William Lyon

, a Cheshire man born, was partly educated in this University, but whether in Oriel or S. Johns coll. where several of his sirname and time have studied, I cannot tell. Afterwards he went into Ireland, became Vicar of Naas and Chaplain to Arthur Lord Grey of Wilton L. Lievtenant of that Country, who promoting him to the Episcopal See of Ross, was consecrated thereunto (w)(w) Jac. War. ut sup. p. 224. in the year 1582. and the year following was constituted commendatory of Cork and Cloyne by the favour of Qu. Eliz. He bestowed a thousand pound in building the Bishops house at Cork, and other monies in repairing the Bishops house at Ross, which three years after was burnt by the Rebel O-Donow. This W. Lyon died in a good old age on the 4. Oct. 1617 in sixteen hundred and seventeen, and was buried in the Cath. Ch. of Cork, leaving then behind him a Son of both his names, who in the 17 year of his age, 1610. became a Com. or else Gent. Com. of S. Johns coll. in this Univ. In the said Sees of Ross, Cork, and Cloyne, succeeded Dr. Joh. Boyle, whom I shall anon mention.