Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 8

Nicholas Magwire

, was born in Idron within the Kingdom of Ireland, Educated (b)(b) Jac. Waraeus Eq. Au [] . in Commant. de praesulibus Hiberniae. Dublin 1665. p. 156. among the Oxonians, and took one or more Degrees. Afterwards returning to his Country, he was made Prebendary of Hillard, in the Diocess of Laighlin, being then, and after, accounted famous among his Country-men for his great Learning, and constant Preaching among them. In 1490. he was, by provision from the Pope, promoted to the Bishoprick of Laighlin, aged about thirty one years. Where being settled, he began to write several Books, but being untimely snatch’d away by death, finished only these following.

Chronicon Hiberniae, (of which Thaddeus Dowling made use, when he Composed his Annales Hiberniae) and, Vita Milonis de Rupe Episc. quondan Laighliensis.

This our Author Magwire, 1512 died in fifteen hundred and twelve, (4. Hen. 8.) and was buried, as it seems, in his own Church of Laighlin. In his Bishoprick succeeded one Thomas Halsey Doctor of both the Laws, whom I shall remember in his proper place, among the Bishops, that have received their Education in Oxon.