Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 584

Henry Man

was bred a Carthusian Monk, and of the Carthusians at Shene in Surrey became Prior: which Monastery he with his brethren surrendring into the Kings hands, at the dissolution of Religious houses, had a Pension allowed to him for some years. In 1539. he took the degrees in Divinity in this University of Oxon, and in the latter end of Hen. 8. was made the second Dean of Chester in the place of one Tho. Clerk, and about that time (tho the year when, appear not) was promoted to the Episcopal See of the Isle of Man. He departed this mortal life at London on the 19. of Oct. in fifteen hundred fifty and six, 1556 and was buried in the chancel of the Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft within that City. In his Deanery succeeded VVill. Clyve or Clyffe LL. D. (who had been Chantor and afterwards Treasurer of the Cath. Ch. at York) but the year when, I cannot justly say (or whether the said Dr. Man kept the said Deanery in commendam with his Bishoprick) and in the See of Man succeeded Thom. Stanley, as I shall hereafter tell you.