Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 635
Thomas Manwaring
a younger Son of Philip Manwaring Esq. was born of an antient and gentile family in Cheshire, either at Over-Peover or Baddily, on the 7 of Apr. 1623, became a Commoner of Brasn. Coll. 24. of Apr. 1637; where continuing about 3 years, receeded without an Academical degree to his Fathers house, and after the death of his elder Brother became Heir to the Lands of his Ancestors. In the time of the grand rebellion he sided with the dominant party, took the usual Oathes then prescribed, was Sherriff of Chester in the reign of Oliver, an. 1657, and after the restauration of K. Ch. 2, he was created a Baronet, 22. Nov. 1660. He hath written and published,
A Defence of Amicia daughter of Hugh Cyveliok Earl of Chester, wherein is proved that she was not a Bastard. Lond. 1673. oct. Written against Sir Pet. Leycester.
A reply to an answer to The defence of Amicia, wherein is proved that the reasons alledged by Sir Pet. Leycester concerning her illegitimacy are invalid, &c Lond. 1673. oct.
An answer to Sir Pet. Leycester’s Addenda. Lond. 1673/4. oct.1689. He died in the month of July in sixteen hundred eighty and nine, and was buried by his Wife, Father and Mother, in a vault under a Chappel on the North side of the Chancel of the Church of Over-Peover before mentioned. See more in Peter Leycester under the year 1678, p. 463.