Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 256
Michael Maschiart
, a most excellent Latin Poet of his time, was born in the Parish of St. Thomas within the City of Salisbury, educated in Wykeham’s School, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. 1562. became Vicar of Writtle in Essex in 1572. being then Bach. of the Civil Law, and two years after proceeded Doctor of that Faculty, at which time he was not only esteemed an able Civilian, but also excellent in all kind of Humane learning. He hath written,
Poemata varia. This book I have not yet seen, and therefore know not whether that be the true title. Nor indeed should I have known that he had written any thing, had not the learned Camden told me so in his Britannia, wherein are by him inserted several Verses taken from Maschiart to adorn his discourse of Clarindon Park in Wiltshire. This learned Doctor dyed at Writtle before-mentioned, in the latter end of the year (about Christmas) of fifteen hundred ninety and eight, 1598 and was buried in the Church there, as I have been informed. In that Vicarige succeeded a learned Doctor of Divinity named John Lloyd, whom, and his Works, I shall mention among these Writers under the year 1603.