Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 123
Robert Maton
son of Will. Maton of Tudworth in Wilts, was born in that County, became a Commoner of Wadh. Coll. in Mich. term, an. 1623, aged 16 years or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, and afterwards holy Orders, but where beneficed, unless in his own Country, I cannot tell, nor any thing else of him, but that, as to opinion, he was always in his heart a Millinary, which he never discovered in publick till the Rebellion broke out, and then the Press being open for all Opinions, he published these things following.
Israels Redemption: or, a prophetical history of our Saviours Kingdom on earth, that is of the Church Catholick, and Triumphant, on Acts 1.6. Lond. 1642. oct.
Discourse of Gog and Magog, or the battle of the great day of God Almighty, on Ezek. 38.2.—Printed with the former book.
Comment on the 20 chap. of the Rev. Lond. 1652. quart.
Israels Redemption redeemed: or, the Jews general and miraculous Conversion to the faith of the Gospel, and return into their own Land, and our Saviours personal reign on Earth, proved from the Old and New Test. &c. of purpose to satisfie all Gainsayers, and particularly Mr. Alex. Petrie Minister of the Scottish Church at Roterdam. Divided in two parts. Lond. 1646. qu. Which book being answer’d by the said Petrie, it came out again under this title with additions and amendments, Clar. 1655. A Treatise of the fifth Monarchy: or Christs personal reign on Earth one thousand years with his Saints, &c. Lond. 1655. qu.