Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 381

Dermitius Meara

, or de Meara, who was born at Ormond in Ireland, whence being sent to this University, continued there in Philosophical studies several years, but whether in Vniv. coll. Glouc. or Hart. hall, ( [] eceptacles for Irish-men in his time,) I know not. For tho he writes himself in the first of his books which I shall anon mention, lately a Student in the Vniversity of Oxon. yet in all my searches I cannot find him matriculated, or that he took a degree. Some years after his retirement to his native Country, he wrote in Latin verse, having been esteemed a good Poet during his conversation among the Oxonians, these things following,

Ormonius sive illustriss. herois ac domini, D. Thomae Butler Ormoniae & Osoriae Comitis, Vicecom. de Thurles, Baronis de Arcklo, &c. Prosapia laborumque praecipuorum ab eodem pro Patria & Principe susceptorum commemoratio heroico carmine conscripta. Lond. 1615. oct.

Epicedion in obitum Tho. Butler Ormoniae & Osoriae Comitis, &c.

Anagramaticon, Acrosticon & Chronologica in eundem Tho. Butler. These two last were printed with Ormonius, and are dedicated to Walt. Butler Earl of Ormond and Oss [••] y. Much about the time when these Poetical things were printed, the author practiced Physick in his own Country, and gained great repute for his happy success therein. In that faculty he wrote several books, but all that I have seen is only this.

De morbis haereditariis tractatus Spagyrico-dogmaticus. Dubl. 1619.Clar. 1619. oct. He was Father to Edm. de Meara an Ormonian born, sometimes a Practitioner in Physick in the City of Bristow, being the same person who answered Dr. Tho. Willis’s book, intit. Diatribae duae Medico-Philosophicae, &c.