Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 19
William de Melton
was a Yorkshire Man born, as it seems, had part of his Education among the Oxonians, and at length being fam’d for his great knowledge in Philosophy, Divinity, and for his admirable way of Preaching, became Chancellor of the Cathedral Church at York, on the resignation of William Langton D. D. in the Month of January 1495, to which Office the Prebendary of Laghton in the said Church being annex’d, he was admitted thereunto by the Name of Will. Multon 15. Jul. 1498. This Person whom some call (k)(k) Sixt. Senensis in Bib. Sancta. col. 1586. lib. 4. p. 243. a. Anton. Senensis in Bib. Ord. praedicatorum. Par. 1585. p. 100. Gul. Melitona, report withal, that he was Chancellor of Paris, and by Order a Dominican, but how true it is (seeing that Baleus (l)(l) In cent. 9. num. 12. Scriptum Maj. Britan. mentions no such thing) I cannot yet discern. His writings are,
Postilla in XII. Prophetas. MS. in the Library of the Dominicans at Bononia in Italy.
Comment. in Epist. ad Hebraeos. MS. in the said Library; the beginning of which is Narrabo nomen tuum, &c. Sermons in Evangelia.
Com. in Pentateuchum, with other things mentioned by (*)(*) Ibid. Baleus. He concluded his last day in the latter end of the Year Fifteen hundred twenty and eight, 1528 and was buried either in the Cathedral Church at York, or in the Church of Acklam (in which Town he made his Will 20. Aug. 1528.) whereupon his Chancellorship was bestowed on Hen. Trafford a Licentiat in Divinity, in Feb. the same Year.