Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 559
Mac-CARMACAN, sometimes written among our imperfect Records Carmgan Hibernicus spent some time among his Countrymen in this University, but whether he took a degree, we have no Register to shew it. Afterwards retiring to his Country he became Dean of Raphoe, and at length Bishop of that place in 1484. He died (*)(*) Jac. War. in lib. De Praesul. Hibern. p. 77. in the habit of a Grey-Frier on the seventh of the Ides of May in fifteen hundred and fifteen, 1515 and was buried in the Monastery of the Franciscans, commonly called the Grey-Friers, at Dunagall. Whereupon one Cornelius O-Cahan succeeded him in his Bishoprick.