Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 614

Richard Meredyth

, a Welsh man born. became a Student in this University about 1568. but in what house, unless in S. Johns coll. it appears not. In 1575. he proceeded M. of Arts as a Member of Jesus coll. which was the highest degree he took in this University. Afterwards being Chaplain to Sir Joh. Perot L. Lievtenant of Ireland, he was by him made Dean of S. Patricks Church near Dublin, and at length B. of Leighlin: To which See being consecrated in the month of Apr. 1589. sate there till the time of his death; which hapning (e)(e) Jac. Waraeus [〈…〉] on the third of August in fifteen hundred ninety and seven, was 1597 buried on the north side of S. Patricks Church before-mentioned. In the said See of Leighlin succeeded one Rob. Grave Dean of Cork, but whether he was ever a Student in Oxford, I cannot yet tell.