Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 608

Marmaduke Middleton

, Son of Tho. Middleton of Cardiganshire, (descended from the Middletons of Middleton in Westmorland,) by Lucia his Wife, daughter of Rob. Nevill, had part of his education here, but took not, as I can yet find, a degree. Afterwards he went into Ireland, where he became Rector of Killare in the diocess of Meath, and on the death of Patr. Walsh, (d)(d) Jac. War. ut. sup. p. 199. B. of Waterford and Lisemore, in 1579. In 1581. he was translated to S. Davids, and about two years after he was actually created Doct. of div. of this University. He was afterwards not only deprived of his Bishoprick. but (e)(e) Pet. Heylyn in Exam. historic. edit. Lond. 1659. p. 221. degraded from all holy Orders for many notable misdemeanours: And the sentence for it was accordingly executed by, and before, the High Commissioners at Lambeth house, not only by reading of it in Scriptis, but by a formal degrading him of his Episcopal robes and Priestly vestments. He departed this mortal life on the 30. of Nov. in fifteen hundred ninety and two, leaving then a Son behind him 1592 named Richard who was Archdeacon of Cardigan. In the See of S. Davids succeeded Anthony Rudd D. of div. of Cambridge, and a Yorkshire man born, whom I shall mention in the Fasti under the year 1577.