Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 222

John Molyns

, Molens or Mullins, so many ways I find him written, was born in Sommersetshire, elected Probat. Fellow of Magd. College in 1541. and afterwards being Bach. of Divinity, became a zealous Man for Reformation. In the Reign of Q. Mary he left the Nation for Religion sake, and setled at Zurick, where he was esteemed (*)(*) Preface to the Brief Discourse of the troubles began at Francsort, An. 1554. Printed in 4to. An. 1575. a learned Man of credit and Authority, being there, as it is said, Greek Reader among the Natives of England: But when Q. Elizabeth came to the Crwon, he returned, was made Archdeacon of London, in the place of Jo. Harpesfield depriv’d, and Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, where he was much reverenced for his great Learning and frequent Preaching. One ()() Laeur. Hunmfredus in Vita & Mort. Jo. Juclli. Edit. 1573. p. 73. that knew him well gave this Character of him. Johannes Molinsaeus Archidiaeconus Ecclesiae Paulinae, qui nulli injuriam fecerat, qui prodesse omnibus studuerat, qui Philosophiae, Theologiae, Linguarum studio sc totum tradiderat, qui nihil commeritus est nisi quod, ut Aristides, justus, ut olim Christiani veteres, & nunc (meaning in the beginning of Q. Mary’s Reign) missae interesse recusaret, eandem & ancipitem fortunam subire compulsus est; meaning also that he was forced to leave his Fellowship of Magd. College, and seek his Fortune elsewhere, with Arth. Saul, Pet. Morwin, and other learned and pious Fellows of that House, who soon after went as voluntary Exiles into Germany. He hath written and published several Books; yet in all my searches I can only find extant,

Carmina Lat. & Graec. in mortem duorum fratrum Suffolciensium Henrici & Caroli Brandon, &c. Printed 1552. in two sheets, in qu.

Sermons, &c. He concluded his last day on the eleventh of the Cal. of June, in one thousand five hundred ninety and one, 1591 and was buried in the North Isle, joyning to the Choire of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, within the City of London, leaving then behind him a Daughter named Mary, Wife of Walt, Chetwind of Ingestry in Staffordshire. Over his Grave was soon after a flat stone laid, with his Image thereon, engraven on a Brass plate, and an Epitaph under it, the beginning of which runs thus,

Clarus Johannes vitae moderamine Mullins,

Doctrinae insignis plenusque senilibus annis.

Qui. &c.

He gave by Will 200 l. to purchase Lands worth 12 l. per An. for an exhibition to be given to two Scholars of Magd. College in Oxon, each to have 6 l. which, if I mistake not, continueth to this day. In his Archdeaconry of London succeeded Theophilus Aylmer, Son of Dr. Jo. Aylmer Bishop of London.